INNO Instrument is one of the leading companies specializing in fusion splicing and is continually strengthening competitiveness in technical skills, innovative product, services and others under the slogan, ‘‘You Dream, We design”.
The INNO Instrument fusion splicers range is subdivided into two lines: the very compact but effective M splicers and the no compromise View Pro splicers with top of the range performances and mobile connectivity for an improved productivity and management.

M9+ – Compact, Fast And Perfect
The INNO Instrument M9+, a core-alignment splicer with ultra-portable design, is the most efficient fusion splicer in the market. This compact and sophisticated fusion splicer inherits many remarkable functionalities from sister products. M9’s 4.3 inch high-resolution color LCD touch screen with user- friendly intuitive GUI(Graphic User Interface) offers large and clear fiber images to users. By double-tapping the screen, users can enlarge / reduce the screen up to 400X and check the optical fiber with clear images. With M9’s Adjustable strap hanger users can customize their working station. M9 is genuinely world’s most efficient hand-held fusion splicer in the telecommunications industry.
Don’t be mislead by its tiny dimensions (125 x 144 x 136mm including rubber bumper – 1,63kg including battery), the M9+ state-of-the-art fast splicing speed of 4s and 9s heating (45mm sleeves) makes it one of the fastest splicer available.
This operation speed is not the only addition feature which makes it more superior than previous models, the M9+ is now equipped with GPS and IoT modules to allow centralised management via the INNO View Pro Manager web application:
- Get access to all your splice details in real time, or browse through historical data;
- Stay in control of your fleet of fusion splicers and save your work in the Cloud;
- Take advantage of multiple security options. Protect your devices against loss and theft;
- Allocate jobs across your team and monitor your projects.

View 8X fusion splicer
The INNO Instrument VIEW 8X is a premium core-alignment splicer with the world’s highest specification, offers maximum work efficiency through the quick mode of 4s splice time and 9s heating time. In addition to the machine’s superior hardware and technical specifications, the fusion splicer has a built-in IOT module that connects to the INNO’s View Pro Cloud Management System for real-time operation and management online. This innovative cloud based solution is designed to create the most advanced and yet most uncomplicated splicing and work experience ever.. More info

View12R Pro fusion splicer
VIEW12R PRO, a ribbon splicer with the fully motorized clamp alignment system, is the most powerful and state-of-the-art ribbon splicer in the market. Its advanced automatic clamp alignment system offers an accurate and dependable ribbon fiber splicing up to 12 fibers with double-tapping (Zoom in & out) and scrolling to the world’s highest magnification of 250x for rib- bon splicer. The VIEW12R PRO provides maximum work efficiency through the fast splicing & heating time, ultra-high battery capacity of 220 splice/heat cycles, and universal holder both for 250μm & 900μm single fiber. The VIEW12R PRO delivers the most reliable work experiences.
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View Pro Cloud Management System
View Pro Management System is an integrated cloud-based software platform for every INNO View Pro splicers. This innovative web-based application allows both technicians and managers of the splicers to maximize the use of its assets and to achieve the highest work efficiency. Real-time communications with tiered access rights and options to manage job orders, manage splicing ma- chines, and send/receive reports are only a small part of the innovative work processes offered by the View Pro. More info here.